Friday, February 4, 2011

Kay Jewelers Military Commercial

As a wife of someone whom is deployed, I hated watching this commercial the first time (let's be honest- every time) because it reminded me that my husband was deployed and not just working at the base as I like to pretend at times. However, upon further inspection, this video actually annoys me besides eliciting the sad emotions.

It shows a pilot getting on webcam with his wife and family while he is aboard an aircraft carrier. They aren't able to get on webcam on the carrier so there is problem number one and if there was some off chance that they could, it sure as heck wouldn't be that clear of an image and sound. They romanticize what it is like to deal with deployment in this short commercial. Yeah if only it were that easy!

I don't know a wife that likes that video. They either don't like the sadness it makes them feel (most cry when they see the commercial) or the unrealistic portrayal of deployment. Either way, we all wish that Kay would stop running the darn commercial!


  1. I couldn't agree more! I absolutely hate that Kay Jeweler's commercial. It's fantasy and unrealistic and it's worse when the hubby's deployed and I have to see it.

    I try to avoid watching things like that all. I won't watch Army wives for that reason either.

    From one Navy wife to another. I feel your pain!

  2. I am a Navy wife, and former Navy myself. I understand how this commercial can be upsetting, and I don't completely disagree.
    Just a note : some carriers are able to "webcam", they are called VTC's (video teleconferences) and are used for both operational purposes, and for scheduled family communication. Not all units have the capability, and it's not nearly as smooth as the commercial portrays of course, but they do happen, so always keep in touch with your Oombudsman in case the opportunity ever arises.

  3. You are awesome for posting this!!! When this first aired my husband was deployed and it would make me so angry. I actually wrote a angry letter to Kay about how offensive this actually was to Navy spouses. I am sure non-military people think it is just so touching but grrrrrrrrrr!!!!- our video chats NEVER look like that and everything we say is followed by, "what? - say that again, you cut out".....ugh!....

    then I realized I needed to chill out because the deployment was getting to me a bit too much. Regardless, it is fantastic that you have posted this!
